Spiritual Support

* REQUEST PRAYER ~ will include a statement about Unity prayer & the request form






Unity’s affirmative form of prayer is a powerful tool for supporting you through anything life brings you to. It is one of our highest honors to pray with you, whether in person or virtually. You will find our prayer request form here (maybe link the form or have it below the words?) Here is what we have currently:  https://www.unityofsebring.org/ministries/prayer-request

I know there is currently a statement as part of the form. I would like to edit that statement:

Dear Friend,

We hold you in the light and love of God. We pray that as you open yourself to divine blessings, you receive greater peace, health, and prosperity. We envision you healthy and whole, faithfully pursuing your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

We pray that tonight as you lay your head on your pillow you have peace about the day that is ending, trusting that you did everything you were truly supposed to do – and knowing that tomorrow is filled with endless possibilities that grow from the lessons of today.

We see you beginning tomorrow filled with confidence and energy, ready to experience the very best possibilities the new day has to offer.

As we claim it, so it is. Amen.

With Love, Light, and in the Spirit of Unity,

Your Unity of Sebring Prayer Team


Silent Unity is Unity Worldwide’s prayer ministry. You can contact them any time, 24/7 to speak live with a prayer partner at 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729), or submit your prayer request online to Silent Unity at https://www.unity.org/request-prayer?PromotionCode=WJ5G1600&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_5unBhCMARIsACZyzS1UiCOw_K3R52Iw_QS2GzDJ-ewy669jIAZCZlgpS304Tf1JBw2p6LgaAoE4EALw_wcB


We currently have their page linked … I would love to continue that. https://www.unity.org/daily-word/mag/daily-word-septemberaugust-2023


Trish and our prayer team are happy to make home or hospital visits. Just let us know the details and we will be there with you.



Whether you have more questions about Unity, more about Trish, are seeking prayer support or simply would like a listening ear, Trish is very happy to meet with you at your convenience. We can meet at Unity, a restaurant, a park, or wherever you feel most comfortable.

Get in touch with Trish through the office at (863)471-1122, through our contact form here on the website, or directly at [email protected].

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et turpis at ligula malesuada ultricies. Duis eu tincidunt leo. Sed ultricies pellentesque imperdiet. Nullam a malesuada ligula. Etiam gravida fermentum urna quis lacinia. Nam ultrices at dui ac fermentum.

Donec pellentesque nunc vel ipsum auctor, commodo ultricies est eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque.